经济全球化是个复杂而矛盾的进程 ,其弊端日益显露 ;当代经济全球化正面临世界贫困化、两极化和边缘化的严峻挑战 ;经济全球化发展的不平等性和失衡现象的加剧 ,提出了建立国际经济新秩序的迫切要求。
Economic globalization is a complicated and contradictory process, whose disadvantage is becoming more and more obvious The present economic globalization is faced with a serious challenge of pauperization, polarization and verge The unequal and imbalance of the development of the economic globalization is becoming more and more serious, thus the paper points out the urgent requirement of establishing the new international economic order
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics