
基于错误矩阵方程的解决城市交通拥堵决策研究 被引量:1

Based on the Error Matrix Equation to Solve Urban Traffic Congestion Decision
摘要 针对解决城市交通拥堵决策问题,首先给出了错误优化矩阵的概念,在此基础上引出错误矩阵方程的概念,利用消错理论中的错误优化矩阵方程,从错误优化的角度来研究并解决城市交通拥堵的决策方法.相应结合实际状况给出当前状态矩阵,从而进行下一步的求解,步步推理获得了决策人满意的方案集,为决策者提供最优建议. This paper addressed the decision problem of urban traffic congestion, the paper first gives concept of Error optimize matrix, leads to the concept of error matrix equation on this basis, eliminate wrong theory error optimization matrix equation, from the error angle optimized to study and resolvedecision-making method of urban traffic congestion. Corre- sponding with the actual situation given the current state of the matrix, thus solving Next, step by step reasoning and decision maker satisfaction program set to provide the best recom- mendations for policy-makers.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期163-170,共8页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金(41001054) 广东省哲学社科基金(090-23) 广东工业大学大学生创新创业项目(201311845020)
关键词 错误矩阵 消错理论 交通拥堵 决策 error matrix cancellation wrong theory traffic congestion decision-making
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