目的了解2007—2011年上海市青浦区感染性腹泻致病菌的发生、病原构成、流行特征及变化趋势,探讨防治对策。方法收集2007—2011年12月期间青浦区监测点医院肠道门诊腹泻病例的粪便或肛拭子标本7 268份,对哨点监测医院中就诊的腹泻病患者,采集肛拭子标本进行增菌后,分别接种在以下5种培养基(双洗碱性蛋白胨水、WS琼脂、麦康凯琼脂(MAC)和木糖赖氨酸去氧胆酸钠(XLD)、山梨醇麦康凯琼脂)中作霍乱弧菌、沙门菌、志贺菌以及致病性大肠埃希菌、疑似O157的检验。结果在7 268份标本中,共分离到83株菌,检出率为1.14%。其中副溶血弧菌位居阳性检出菌的首位,占86.75%(72/83);志贺菌和沙门菌分别占7.23%(6/83)和6.02%(5/83)。将每年的阳性监测结果进行卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(χ2=173.43,P<0.01)。结论青浦区感染性腹泻病的主要致病菌依次为副溶血性弧菌、沙门菌和志贺菌等。
[ Objective] To investigate the occurrence, pathogenic composition, epidemiological characteristics and epidemic trends of infectious diarrhea in Qingpu District of Shanghai from 2007-2011, explore the control measures. [ Methods ] A total of 7268 sam-ples of rectal swabs and feces were collected from diarrheal patients who were treated in the intestinal clinics of the surveillant hospi-tals in Qingpu District during the period between Jannuary, 2007 and December, 2011. The samples were inoculated into five cul-ture mediums ( alkaline peptone water, WS agar, MAC, XLD and SMAC ) after enrichment, to detect the pathogens, which includ-ed Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella, Shigella, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Suspected O157. [ Results] 83 strains of pathogens were isolated from 7 268 specimens, with the detection rate of 1.14%. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was the most frequent pathogen, which accounted for 86.75% (72/83 ), followed by Shigella and Salmonella, which accounted for 7.23% ( 6/83 ) and 6.02% (5/83 ) respectively. By chi-square test, there was significant difference in positive results among different years ( X^2 = 173.43, P 〈 0.01). [ Conclusion] The main pathogenic bacteria of infectious diarrhea in Qingpu District are Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Shi-gella and Salmonella.
Occupation and Health
Bacterial infection
Sentinel surveillance