
企业跨界搜索发展、内涵和提升机理研究综述 被引量:1

Enterprise cross border search development.inner connotation and improving mechanism research summary
摘要 在梳理相关研究文献基础上,系统阐述了跨界搜索缘起、发展、内涵等问题,归纳了跨界搜索对企业创新绩效提升机理的两点内容:跨界搜索的方式和跨界搜索的平衡对创新绩效的影响。并在此基础上,提出未来可能的研究方向。 In the comb on the basis of the relevant research literature, systematically expounded the cross-border search origin, development, content and other issues, summed up the cross-border search on innovative performance enhancing mechanism of two elements: the way cross-border and cross-border searches search balance the impact on innovation performance. And on this and proposed based on possible future research directions.
作者 陈珊
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《特区经济》 2013年第12期222-223,共2页 Special Zone Economy
关键词 跨界搜索 创新绩效 提升机理 综述 boundary-spanning search innovation performance upgrade mechanism Review
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