
宋英宗、宋神宗朝翰林学士与治平、熙丰诗坛——以王安石为中心 被引量:1

Hanlin Academicians under the Reign of Emperor Songyingzong and Songshenzong and Parnassus of the Zhiping Period,and the Xining-Yuanfeng Period: With Wang Anshi As the Center
摘要 宋英宗、宋神宗朝任用翰林学士共36人。熙宁、元丰人才之盛,堪比庆历、嘉祐。王安石文章节操都堪称"真翰林学士",他对翰苑制度之变革,翰苑词臣之任用,翰林学士之政治职能,都给予直接有力的干预和推动。熙丰时期不同政治力量间的角力与学术思想的交锋也导致文学群体的分化,在王安石及其新党把持熙丰政坛、文坛话语权的情势下,旧党翰林学士陆续被贬退,"乌台诗案"毒化了自由活泼的文学生态。由于文学的政治化、边缘化以及政治家和文学家身份的分裂,使熙丰时期以王安石为中心的汴京诗坛并没有成为诗歌创作和传播的中心,熙丰诗坛呈京城与地方独立分散形态。元丰年间,新党学士王珪、蔡确、章惇、王安礼、张璪、安焘、李清臣等人围绕王维山水画的一组题画作品,为探究新党学士群体复杂的精神世界提供了一个范本。 Under the Reign of Emperor Songyingzong( reigned 1064 - 1067 ) and Songshenzong ( reigned 1068 - 1085 ) thirty - six Hanlin academicians were appointed. Talented people during the Xining - Yuanfeng Peri- od ( 1068 - 1085 ) were as numerous as those during the Qingli and Jiayou Periods ( 1041 - 1053 ) under the reign of Emperor Songrenzong (reigned 1023 - 1063). Wang Anshi could be said a "true Hanlin academi- cian" with his excellent writings and moral cultivation, who exerted direct and powerful intervention in and im- petus to, the reform, of the Hanlin Academy, of the appointment of its academicians and of the political role played by them. Confrontation among different academic ideas and political forces in the Xining -Yuanfeng Period led to the differentiation of literary groups. While Wang Anshi and his new party controlled the speech right of politics and literature, Hanlin Academicians of the old party were dismissed one by one. And the " Wutai poetry case" poisoned the then free and lively literary environment. Due to the politicalization and mar- ginalization of literature and the division of their identity as both politician and writer, the Bianliang Parnassus centered around Wang Anshi failed to become the very center of the writing and spreading of poetry in the Xin- ing - Yuanfeng Period. During the Yuanfeng Period, Hanlin Academician of the new party as Wang Gui, Cai Que, plex Zhang Dun, Wang Anli, Zhang Zao, An Tao, Li Qingchen etc. provided a model to look into the com- spiritual world of the new party Academician through discussing a set of landscape paintings by Wan Wei.
作者 陈元锋
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第6期42-71,2,共30页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的国家社科基金项目"北宋翰林学士与文学研究"(06BZW034)的阶段性成果
关键词 翰林学士 王安石 熙宁 元丰 新党 Hanlin academician Wang Anshi Xining Yuanfeng new party
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  • 7苏轼.《陪欧阳公燕西湖》,《苏轼诗集合注》卷六,第254-255页.
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