
汉语学语前全聋儿童形声字正字法意识及其发展研究 被引量:1

Study on Orthographic Awareness and its Development of Pre-linguistic Deaf Children with Pictophonetic Character
摘要 正字法意识是对书写系统组合规则的意识,在形声字中表现为声旁表音意识和形旁表意意识。采取纸笔测验,对某市两所聋校二、四、六年级82名学语前全聋儿童的声旁意识和形旁意识进行测试,探讨聋童形声字正字法意识及其发展特点后发现:学语前全聋儿童具有形声字正字法意识;声旁意识与形旁意识随年级升高而提高,声旁意识呈显著性年级差异,但形旁意识无显著性年级差异;声旁意识和形旁意识的发展关系密切;学语前全聋儿童形声字的正字法意识受语音的影响;现代汉字中85%以上都属于形声字。这一研究结论对探讨学语前全聋儿童汉字识别的认知过程与聋生汉字教学具有重要的理论与实践指导意义。 The present study investigates Chinese Orthographic Awareness and its development of pre - linguis- tic deaf children. Orthographic Awareness is the awareness of composing rule in writing system, which is man- ifested in pictophonetic characters with two forms, namely, phonetic awareness and radical awareness . This study used the pencil - paper test to examine the phonetic awareness and radical awareness of 82 pre - linguis- tic deaf children in grade 2,4 and 6 from two deaf schools. The results showed ( 1 ) pre - linguistic deaf chil- dren have the orthographic awareness of pictophonetic characters (2) phonetic awareness and radical aware- ness increased with the increment of grade, on the one hand, radical awareness showed significant difference with grade; on the other hand, phonetic awareness did not have this significant difference (3) the develop- ment of phonetic awareness and radical awareness had a tight relationship. The orthographic awareness of pre -linguistic deaf children on phonogram is influenced by pronunciation, and 85% Chinese characters belongs to phonogram. The conclusion of the present study bears meaningful influence on the investigation on the cog- nitive process of Chinese characters for pre - linguistic deaf deaf students. children, and instruction of Chinese characters for
作者 贺荟中
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第6期136-143,共8页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的上海市哲学社会科学规划办课题(2013FJY001) 华东师范大学教师教育优势学科创新平台学术团队建设项目(7119297K)的阶段性成果
关键词 学语前全聋儿童 正字法意识 形旁意识 声旁意识 pre -linguistic deaf children orthographic awareness phonetic awareness radical awareness
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