目的 评价在白内障摘出手术中后囊破裂时利用前囊Ⅰ期后房人工晶状体植入术的疗效。方法 对 10例后囊破裂者利用计划性保留的前囊做为后支撑Ⅰ期人工晶状体睫状沟植入。结果 术后随访 3月 ,进行视力统计分析。裸眼视力 :1 0 2例、0 84例、0 44例 ;矫正视力 :1 0 4例、0 84例、0 6 2例。结论 对位于中、下部后囊破裂及少量玻璃体脱出的病人 ,适当利用保留的前囊做为后支撑 。
To appraise the effects about primary posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation utilizing anterior capsule when posterior capsule was ruptured during the surgery.Methods To utilize reserved anterior capsule in a planned way as back support and to implant primary intraocular lens to ciliary sulcus on 10 patients whose posterior capsule has ruptured.Results 10 patients were followed up in 3 months after surgery,uncorrected vision:1.0 in 2 cases,0.8 in 4 cases and 0.6 in 4 cases.Corrected vision:1.0 in 4 cases.0.8 in 4 cases and 0.6 in 2 cases.Conclusion To utilize reserved anterior capsule as back surport properly can implant primary posterior chamber intraocular lens,for the patients whose middle and under section posterior capsule split and a small amount vitreous prolapse.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries