目的:了解我院门诊患者抗菌药物使用情况,为规范抗菌药物在基层医院门急诊的合理使用与管理提供参考。方法:随机抽取2012年1—12月我院门急诊处方20 701张,按照《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》对其中抗菌药物处方进行分析。结果:20 701张处方中有4 658张抗菌药物处方,抗菌药物使用率为22.5%(4 658/20 701)。4 658张抗菌药物处方中,呼吸系统感染有2 409张(占51.7%);用药方式以单一用药为主,有4 113张(占88.30%);给药途径以口服用药为主,有2 826张(占60.67%);第2代头孢菌素使用率最高,有1 110张(占23.83%)。合理使用抗菌药物处方有4 206张,占抗菌药物处方的90.30%。结论:抗菌药物的用药方式、给药途径及药品选择较规范,但抗菌药物的使用率过高,仍存在不合理用药现象。
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the antibiotic use in the outpatient and emergency department of our hospital so as to provide references for rational use and management of antibiotics in outpatient and emergency department. METHODS: 20 701 outpatient & emergency prescriptions in our hospital were randomly sampled during Jan. -Dee. period of 2012 for analysis of the antibiotic prescriptions in accordance with the "Guiding Principles for Clinical Use of Antibiotics". RESULTS: In the total 20 701 prescriptions reviewed, 4 658 (4 658/20 701 ) were antibiotic prescriptions, accounting for 22. 5%. Of the total 4 658 antibiotic prescriptions, 2 409 (51.7%) were prescriptions for patients with respiratory infection; 4 113 (88. 30% ) were prescriptions of single drug; 2 826 (60. 67% ) were prescriptions of oral drugs; the second generation cephalosporins were prescribed most frequently, which totaled 1 110 prescriptions(23.83%); 4206 (90.30%) were rational antibiotic prescriptions. CONCLUSION: The mode and route of administration and the choice of antibiotics were standard yet the rate of antibiotic use was on the high side and there were still irrational drug use phenomenon in our hospital.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Outpatient & emergency department
Rational use of drug