目的 :探讨指掌侧固有静脉是否存在 ,指掌侧浅、深静脉在断指再植中的应用价值。方法 :5只新鲜尸体手 ,以环氧树脂混合溶液为填充剂 ,灌注后制成动、静脉分色手血管铸型标本 ,在手术显微镜下解剖观测。结果 :指掌侧固有静脉分布不恒定 ,在示、中、环指共 30条手指血管神经束中发现 3条 ,指掌侧固有静脉起自手指中节 ,在血管束内伴随指动脉而行 ,在指根部注入指掌侧总静脉 ,在手指近节其外径为(0 .2 1± 0 .0 3)mm。指掌侧浅静脉位置恒定 ,在远侧指间关节处汇聚成 2~ 4条较粗大的纵向静脉干 ,逐渐向指掌侧中线的两侧分布 ,形成 2条静脉主干 ,其在中节的外径为 (0 .6 4± 0 .12 )mm ,在近节的外径为 (0 .78± 0 .10 )mm。指掌侧浅静脉管径较粗 ,但细于指背静脉 ,其与指背静脉外径的差异有非常显著意义 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :指掌侧固有静脉不恒定 ,属于一种退化现象 ,不能作为断指再植中的常规吻合静脉。指背静脉是断指再植中的主要吻合静脉 ,指掌侧浅静脉具有吻合价值。在断指再植中吻合指背静脉的同时 ,吻合指掌侧浅静脉利于再植指的静脉回流 ,提高断指再植的成活率。
Objective: To study the anatomy of palmar digital veins and evaluate its clinical significance.Methods: Microanatomical observation and measure of palmar digital veins were performed on 5 fresh adult hand specimens after colophony perfusion.Results: 3 proper palmar digital veins were found in the 30 digital nerves and vessels.They were very tiny with outer diameters of 0.21±0.03 mm. Superficial palmar digital veins are larger, with outer diameters of 0.78±0.10 mm, thus have clinical value for anastomosis.Conclusion: The proper palmar digital vein do exist, but it can not be anatomosed for transplantation, while the superficial palmar digital vein can be anatomosed for transplantation.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy