
数据挖掘技术在针灸治疗腰痛古代文献中的应用 被引量:13

Application in the Ancient Literature of Acupuncture Curing Osphyalgia Based on Data Mining Technology
摘要 运用数据挖掘技术分析古代针灸治疗腰痛的使用特点。收集秦汉至清末的有关文献,进行筛选、整理并建立数据库,采用关联规则分析。共纳入针灸处方474条,涉及书籍72部,使用经穴103个,奇穴12个以及阿是穴,总频次1460次,前10位的腧穴为委中、肾俞、昆仑、申脉、足三里、涌泉、大肠俞、太冲、地机、下髎、次髎;前5位的腧穴配伍为委中→肾俞,委中→昆仑,委中→腰俞,肾俞→腰俞,委中→水沟;特定穴占总腧穴使用频次的70.14%,其中五输穴使用频次最高;腧穴主要遍布在足太阳膀胱经和足阳明胃经上,阳经使用率73.63%,下肢腧穴占总腧穴使用频次的56.23%。刺灸法中针刺占46.72%,艾灸占28.96%,针刺结合艾灸占20.02%,放血占4.31%。表明选穴方法以循经取穴为主,结合局部取穴的特点,首选阳经腧穴,腧穴主要分布在下肢,足太阳经腧穴配伍最为常用,特定穴为选穴的重要组成部分,特别重视五输穴和下合穴。刺灸法以针刺为主,放血以委中为主。 Study analytical characteristics of ancient acupuncture curing osphyalgia by using data mining tech- niques, collecting the relevant literature from Qin Han to Qing Dynasty, screening, sorting and buliding databas- es, using association rules to analyze. 474 acupuncture prescriptions are included, involving 72 books, using 103 meridian, 12 extra points and Ashi acupoints, amounting 1460 using frequencies. The former 10 acupoints are Weizhong ( BL 40), Shenshu ( BL23 ), Kunlun ( BL60 ), Shenmai ( BL62 ), Zusanli ( ST36 ), Yongquan ( KI1 ), Dachangshu( BI25 ) ,Taichong( LR3 ), Diji ( asdfa), Xialiao ( BL34 ), Ciliao ( BL32 ) ; The former 5 compatible acupoints are Wei zhong (BIA0) - Shenshu ( BL23 ), Weizhong (BL40) - Kunlun ( BI/50 ), Weizhong ( BIA0 ) - Yaoshu ( DU2 ), Shenshu ( BI23 ) - Yaoshu ( DU2 ), Weizhong ( BIA0 ) - Shuigou ( DU26 ). The specific points in the total acupoints frequencies occupying 70.14%, of which Wushu points are frequently used ; acupoints main- ly scattered in the bladder meridian and stomach meridian, the Yang meridians utilization occupying 73.63% when the lower limb acupoints occupying 56.23%. In acupunctures and moxibustions, the acupuncture accoun- ted for 46.72%, moxibustion accounted for 28.96%, acupuncture combined with moxibustion accounted for 20.02% ,bloodletting accounted for 4.31%. It is indicated that the acupoints selecting methods are based on meridians, combined with the characteristics of local acupoints, the preferred acupoints are located on the Yang Jing, acupoints mainly distribute the lower limbs, acupoints compatibility of the bladder meridian are commonly used , specific acupoints are the important part, Wushu acupoints and lower combined acupoints are empha- sized. Acupuncture is the most important part in the needling and moxibustion therapy, and the frequently bloodletting method is Weizhong hemorrhage.
出处 《针灸临床杂志》 2013年第11期40-45,共6页 Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion
基金 山东省自然基金项目 编号:ZR2011HM088 山东省中医药科技计划项目 编号:2011129 山东省教育厅科技计划项目 编号:J08LG66
关键词 数据挖掘 古代文献 腰痛 腧穴 Data mining Ancient literature Osphyalgia Acupoints
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