目前对航海仪器的评估主要还是依赖于评估员,在评估过程中存在着标准不统一以及客观性的问题,且评估效率不高。航海仪器智能评估系统的开发和设计,可以有效解决上述问题。利用Visual C++2008开发了全球定位系统(GPS)、船舶自动识别系统(AIS)、回声测声仪(Echo Sounder)、速度计程仪(Speed Log)等仿真设备;通过专家咨询及调研,设计了智能评估试题,建立了航海仪器智能评估模型,开发了基于客户端/服务器端(C/S)架构的智能评估终端及考务终端。通过测试发现,航海仪器智能评估系统显示的成绩与评估员给出的评估成绩基本吻合,达到了学员训练及评估考试的使用要求。
According to STCW 2010,correctly operating navigational instruments is one of the basic skills for deck officers on board.China Maritime Safety Administration has set down a regulation about examination of seafarers' skillfulness in operating navigational instruments.Currently,the competency is judged by an examiner,which is in some extent subjective and there may be deviations from standards.Besides,the procedure goes slow.An intelligent scoring system is developed to solve the problems.The simulators for GPS,AIS,Echo Sounder & Speed Log are incorporated in the system.The test questions and scoring models are determined through in site investigation and expert consultation.The examiner terminal and examinee terminals based on C/S frame are developed with the latter as the server.The test run show that the evaluation results given by the system agree with that made by experienced examiners.
Navigation of China