Run-in AV10 wrapped, raw-edged and cogged V-belts have been used to transmit power between pulleys of equal radii R equal to 51, 36 and 21 ram. Separate measurements of the torque and angular speed losses between the pulleys have shown that these are approximately proportional to I/R and I/R2 respective- ly and are also greater than expected from current theories. The maximum useful belt tension ratio fell from 21 to 5 as R was reduced from 51 to 21 mm. A dimensionless belt deformation parameter (gEI/R4 )1/2, arising from a simplified analysis of torque loss, has been found empirically to correlate with both torque loss and the speed loss in excess of that ex- pected from belt extension and radial compliance. Subsidiary tests with thick flat belts on cylindrical pulleys have shown their power losses to be unex- pectedly close to those of V-belts of similar cross-sectional area, suggesting that those V-belt losses usually attributed to wedging in the pulley groove are of more general origin. It is speculated that belt carcass war- ping or shearing distortions must be considered to explain losses on small-radii pulleys.
Drive System Technique