目的 探讨心脏围术期血浆及红细胞锌、铜的动态变化及影响因素。方法 用原子吸收法测定围术期不同时间血浆及红细胞的锌、铜浓度。结果 麻醉后体外循环前血浆锌较术前显著升高 ,而铜无显著变化 ;体外循环期间 ,血浆锌、铜较术前显著降低 ;血浆锌在停机后恢复近术前水平 ,停机 8h又出现下降 ,血浆铜停机 2 0 h恢复近术前水平。红细胞锌、铜无显著变化。结论 心脏围术期锌、铜变化与血液稀释、手术创伤、载体蛋白及应激因素有关 ,并非由于血浆锌、铜转移至红细胞内。提示围术期应通过不同途径适量补充锌、铜 ,可能有益于围术期患者的恢复。
Objective To study the variations of zinc and copper concentration in plasma and erythrocytes during cardiac perioperation.Methods The zinc and copper concentration in plasma and erythrocytes at the different interval of perioperative period were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy.Results Zinc in plasma increased significantly at Pre CPB,but copper had no change.Zinc and copper in plasma decreased significantly during CPB.Zinc in plasma returned to pre operative zinc level after CPB,and decreased again 8 hours after operation,copper in plasma retuned to preoperation copper level 20 hours after operation.Zinc and copper in erythrocytes did not change significautly.Conclusions The variations of zinc and copper during cardiac perioperation were related to hemodilution,surgical injury,carrier protein and stress,but not due to the transference of plasma zinc and copper into erythrocytes.The results suggest that it is beneficial to patients' recovery to supplement zinc and copper properly during Cardiac perioperation by different ways.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology