
Slithice:一个基于系统依赖图的Java程序切片工具 被引量:3

Slithice:system dependence graph based program slicing tool for Java
摘要 当前程序切片的相关理论已经较为成熟,但针对Java程序的静态切片工具却非常少见。为便于展开切片应用研究,设计并实现了一个基于系统依赖图的Eclipse切片插件——Slithice。该插件支持不同粒度的底层分析和系统依赖图构建,从而可以使切片算法能够在精度和性能之间进行权衡,适应各种规模程序的分析需要。 Nowadays, the theory of program slicing is highly developed, but open tools for slicing Java programs are still rarely seen. To support the researches on the application of program slicing techniques, it designs and implements an Eclipse slicing plugin named Slithice. The tool can perform system dependence graph based program slicing. It provides many options for the basis analyses and the system dependence graph construction. This can let the users make better trade-offs between efficiency and precision and hence make the tool more suitable for analyzing programs of various scales.
作者 钱巨 陶彬贤
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2014年第2期31-34,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60903026 No.61100034)
关键词 JAVA 程序切片 静态 Java program slicing static
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