

A Review on the Study of Washback of Large Scale High-Stakes Test
摘要 考试结果被用来进行各种决策,比如教师依据学业考试成绩对考生的学习掌握情况进行评估,高校依据统一高考成绩录取新生等。由于相关决策往往涉及利害关系,考试结果的应用就会产生正面作用或者负面作用,对这一问题的关注就导致了"考试后效"概念的形成和发展。本论文对考试后效的研究概况进行梳理。考试后效的研究有助于我们从学生的角度审视高考,对高考的改革步骤进行更好的判断和规划。 Test results are usually being applied for decision-making, such as for students' evaluation by teachers and, for colleges to use as the basis to recruit qualified applicants. These high-stake decisions can lead to positive and/or negative effects. A focus on these effects results in the formation and development of the concept of "washback". This paper reviews the study of washback. The study of washback would help us make better judging and programming of college entrance exam, from the perspective of students.
出处 《中国考试》 2014年第1期16-22,共7页 journal of China Examinations
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划课题"美国一流大学本科招生制度变革研究(1900-1960)"(课题批准号QN2013036)阶段性成果 2013年云南师范大学博士科研启动项目
关键词 大规模高利害考试 考试后效 综述 Large Scale High-Stakes Test Washback Review
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