目的测定12周振动训练引起大鼠骨骼肌的力量、IGF-1、Myostatin基因的表达和血清GH、C、T、IGF-1、Myostatin浓度的变化,观察振动训练引起机体内分子水平和组织水平的一系列变化,探索振动训练的生物学机制。方法根据不同训练周期随机将32只雄性SD大鼠,分为4组:安静对照组(CC)、急性振动组(MO)、8周振动组(MM)、12周振动组(ML)。急性振动训练组训练后即刻取材、其他组训练结束后休息12 h后取材,测定腓肠肌质量相关指标、CK活性;通过RT-PCR测定IGF-1mRNA、myostatin mRNA相对表达量,血清GH、C、T、IGF-1、Myostatin浓度采用放射免疫法测定。结果与安静对照组相比,急性振动组血清GH、C、T水平显著上升,骨骼肌力量显著增加;8周振动组血清GH、T水平显著升高,C显著下降,IGF-1表达显著上升,Myostatin表达显著下降,骨骼肌力量显著增加;12周振动组血清GH、T水平显著降低,C显著升高,IGF-1表达显著降低,Myostatin表达显著上升,骨骼肌力量显著下降。结论振动训练也具有明显的代谢效应,其影响IGF-1mRNA和MyostatinmRNA表达的机制可能是通过血清IGF-1、Myostatin与GH、T相互作用来完成的。Myostatin可以作为一种新的肌肉力量评价指标,但是应用于训练效果的监控和运动员机能的评定需要做进一步研究。
Objective To measure vibration training over rats'skeletal mUscle strength, skeletal muscle IGF - I, gene expres- sion of myostatin and serum GH, C, T and IGF - 1 and density variation of myostatin. Methods Researchers select 32 male spragne - dawley rats randomly in accordance with training periods, and divide them into 4 groups - - control group ( CC), acute vibration group ( MO), 8 - week - training group (MM) and 12 - week - training group (ML). Next, researchers should acquire the materials of Group MO immediately after the vibration training, while obtain the materials of other groups after 12 - hour rest. Then researchers measure the related indicators of gastrocnemius quality, the creatine kinase activity and the IGF - 1 mRNA and the relative quantity of mRNA via RT - PCR. Researchers measure the serum GH, C, T and IGF - 1 with radio immunoassay (RIA). Results Compared with the control group, acute vibration group's serum levels of GH, C, T are significantly increased as well as the muscle strength; 8 -week - training group's serum levels of GH, T and IGF - 1 are increased but the levels of C and Myostatin are significantly decreased. The muscle strength is significantly increased; 12 -week -training group's serum levels of GH, T and IGF -1 are decreased but the levels of C and Myostatin are increased. The muscle strength is decreased. Conclusions The vibration training has obvious metabolic effect, and it affects IGF - lmRNA and Myostatinm RNA's expression system may finish by the interact of serum IGF- 1, Myostatin and GH, T. Myo- statin can be treat as a new judging index of new muscle strength, but its application on treating results and monitoring the athletes' function need some further research.
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University