目的 探讨限制性液体复苏在创伤失血性休克中的临床疗效.方法 纳入2011年5月~2013年5月我院就诊的创伤失血性休克患者89例,随机分为限制性液体复苏组和充分液体复苏组,观察不同液体复苏方法对患者病死率、凝血功能及并发症的影响.结果 89例患者中,限制性液体复苏组病死率、急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)发生率低于充分液体复苏组;凝血酶原时间(PT)、部分凝血酶原时间(APTT)较充分液体复苏组短;两组急性肾损伤(AKI)的发生率没有差异.结论 限制性液体复苏法可以降低创伤失血性休克患者病死率,降低并发症的发生.
Objective To investigate the effect of limited fluid resuscitation on the patients with traumatic shock. Meth- ods 89 patients with the traumatic shock between May 2011 to May 2013 in our hospital were divided into 2 groups: the limited fluid resuscitation group (LFR) and the aggressive fluid resuscitation group (AFR). The total mortality, coagulation function and complication were analyzed. Result The total mortality and complication of the LFR group were significantly lower than that of the AFR group. Furthermore, the prothrombin time and the activated partial thromboplastin time of the LFR group was shorter than that of the AFR group. Conclusion Limited fluid resuscitation applied on patients with traumatic shock could reduce incidence of mortality and complications in survival patients.
Sichuan Medical Journal