
超声造影定量评价肾缺血再灌注损伤后兔肾皮质血流动力学改变 被引量:5

Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in quantitative evaluation of rabbit's cortex hemodynamics after renal Ischemiareperfusion Injury
摘要 目的探讨超声造影定量分析技术评价兔肾缺血再灌注损伤后不同阶段兔肾皮质血流灌注的变化及其与肾脏病理改变的相关性。方法 15只雄性家兔术前行左肾超声造影作为对照组(R0,n=15),然后将其随机分为缺血后再灌注第1d组(R1,n=5)、第3d组(R2,n=5)、第5d组(R3,n=5)。均切除右肾并建立左肾缺血再灌注损伤模型,分别行超声造影并应用时间-强度曲线测量灌注峰值时间(TTP)、曲线上升支斜率(β)、灌注峰值强度(A)、曲线下面积(AUC),统计各参数的变化并观察与病理改变的相关性。结果肾缺血恢复灌注后各组与对照组相比TTP、AUC值增加,β值降低(P<0.05);缺血再灌注组各组间TTP,β差异有统计学差异(P<0.05),其中恢复灌注后第3d TTP的延长和β的下降最为显著。结论超声造影定量分析技术能反映兔肾血流灌注异常,其中TTP,β是评价肾血流灌注损伤价值的有效指标。 Objective To discuss the relativity between quantitative evaluation of rabbit's cortex hemodynamics by con- trast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) and renal pathologic changes after ischemia-repeffusion Injury(IRI). Methods CEUS was used to observe the pattern of fifteen rabbits' left renal perfusion and perfusion peak time(TFP) ,amplitude of peak intensity (A), curve rising slope rate (13)and area under the curve (AUC) were analysed as the contrast group. Then all the fifteen rab- bits model of renal IRI was estabilished and divided into different time group at first day (Rl ,n =5) ,thrid day (R2 ,n =5) ,fifth day (Rl , n = 5 ) after ischemia reperfusion. Discussed the relativity between quantitative evaluation of rabbit's cortex hemodynamics by CEUS and renal pathologic changes. Result Compared with contrast group, the TI'P extend and AUC, 13 increased after renal IRI (P 〈 0.05). TFP and 13 had difference in IRI groups, while the most significant changes happened at third day after reperfu- sion. Conclusion CEUS combined with quantitative analysis should analyze the characteristics of renal perfusion after 1RI, and TTP, 13 are the effective parameters.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2013年第12期1769-1771,共3页 Sichuan Medical Journal
基金 四川省教育厅科研资助课题(编号:08zc054)
关键词 缺血再灌注损伤 超声造影 家兔 renal ischemia-reperfusion contrast-enhanced uhrasonography rabbit
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