采用光学显微镜对淀粉颗粒在糊化过程中的润胀特性进行了研究。淀粉颗粒润胀具有松驰、膨胀和收缩 3个过程。松弛是糊化前淀粉的吸水和结构的松弛过程 ,膨胀是淀粉颗粒晶体熔融和直链淀粉脱离以及淀粉颗粒大量吸水的过程 ,收缩表明了直链淀粉脱离后颗粒内外压力差的变化 ,颗粒外部压力大于内部压力 ,致使颗粒被压缩。
The swelling properties of rice starch during gelatinizing process were studied by optical microscope. The swelling of starch particles has three processes, i. e. slacking, expanding and shrinking. In the slacking process the starch structure slaikens and moisture is absorbted before starch is gelatinized. In the expanding process, the crystal of starch particles is melted and amylose starch is separated as well as most moisture is absorbted by starch particles. The starch particles are compressed when the outside pressure is higher than that of the inner pressure of the particles after amylose starch separated during shrinking process. The frequency distribution of starch particles in the swelling process is the normal distribution mode of square root.
Cereal & Feed Industry
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