
胆碱对奶牛围产期代谢的调控 被引量:19

Regulation of Choline on Nutrient Metabolism in Periparturient Dairy Cows: A Review
摘要 奶牛围产期干物质采食量下降明显,而产前胎儿发育和产后泌乳启动均需大量营养物质,因此奶牛围产期存在能量和其他营养素的负平衡,易诱发多种代谢性疾病,如脂肪肝和酮病等。胆碱在奶牛围产期脂肪代谢中发挥重要的调控作用,可降低肝脏脂肪沉积,增进围产期奶牛健康,提高产后泌乳性能。本文总结了胆碱的理化性质、生理功能、来源及代谢途径,综述了胆碱对奶牛围产期营养代谢的调控及其机理,并结合已有研究,给出了围产期奶牛饲粮胆碱的建议添加量,旨在为胆碱的合理添加和保障奶牛围产期健康提供参考。 The dry matter intake of dairy cows usually decreases during the periparturient period, and more nu- trients are required for fetal development and lactation establishment, and the balance of energy and some nutri- ents is negative, which results in the incidence of metabolic diseases, such as fatty liver, ketosis, etc. Choline plays a vital role in the modulation of lipid metabolism for dairy cows, and using choline supplements can re- duce hepatic fat deposition, promote health and enhance postpartum lactation performance. This paper re- viewed recent advances on the regulation of nutrients metabolism by dietary rumen-protected choline (RPC) and its application in feeding periparturient dairy cows.
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期26-33,共8页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAD12B02 2012BAD39B05-2) 科技部国际科技合作与交流专项(2010DFB34230) 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划项目(2011KTCQ02-02)
关键词 胆碱 奶牛 围产期 调控 添加 choline dairy cows periparturient period regulation supplement
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