针对当前石油行业中咨询评估工作存在的问题,从体制、观念、经营机制、管理、调查研究、市场信息分析、咨询评估单位资质及从业人员自身业务素质等方面,对影响咨询评估工作的各种因素进行分析,提出了进一步加强咨询评估单位自身建设,不断提高咨询评估成果质量的对策和 建议。
Factors influential to the consultation and evaluation activities in the petroleum industry, such as management system, way of thinking, operating mechanism, management, research & investigation, market analysis, qualification of consultation firms as well as professional capabilities of individual consultants are discussed. This paper also provides ways for proficiency improvement of consulting firms as a way to ensure the quality of consulting services.
Petroleum Planning & Engineering