中国海洋石油总公司利用本公司的渤海SZ36- 1原油开发出 “中海36- 1”牌高等级道路石油沥青, 产品质量达到了埃索公司的 “埃索道路沥青规范”, 创造了良好的经济和社会效益。本文介绍了 “中海36- 1”道路沥青的生产情况、资源保障、质量保证、生产组织和海洋石油总公司沥青销售策略。
The prom inenthigh grade road asphaltofZHONGHAI36- 1 brand was developed and produced through utilizing the Bohai SZ36 - 1 crude oil by CNOOC successfully.Itsquality satisfied thestandard ofESSOroad asphaltand socialand econom ic gains are created greatly.In this paper,the production and marketing strategy and how to keep thecrudeoilresourceand productquality wereintroduced.
1999年第4期41-48, ,共8页
Petroleum Asphalt