
试析当今中俄美三角关系的若干特点 被引量:9

On the Features of the Current Sino-Russia-U.S.Triangular Relationship
摘要 中俄美三角关系出现于20世纪70~90年代,至今仍然是存在的,只不过时代环境和条件、各国力量对比关系、影响范围和程度等都发生了变化而已。作为当今世界最复杂、最微妙、最重要的三角关系之一,中俄安全、政治关系好于经济关系,中美经济、金融关系好于政治关系。中俄政治互信强于中美。中美经济联系优于俄美。俄美安全关系胜于中美。中俄关系是“准同盟”关系,是大国关系的典范。中美关系是“非敌人”的关系,是大国关系的关键。即中俄高级政治关系好于中美,中美低级政治关系好于中俄。中美关系和中俄关系对于中国来说是最重要的两组大国关系。中国要实行双向、双线同盟战略,即在全面提升与俄罗斯的战略协作伙伴关系的同时,着力推动与美国的战略相向关系。即在高级政治方面,发展与俄的战略协作关系,在低级政治方面,发展与美的互利共赢关系。 Triangular relationship among China,Russia and the U.S.appeared in the 1970s to 1990s and still exists now.However,the era of the environment and conditions,the balance of power relations among the countries,the scope and extent change.As one of the world' s most complex,subtle,and important triangular relationships,Sino—Russian security and political relations are much closer than economic relations.Sino—U.S.economic and financial relations are closer.Political trust between China and Russia is stronger than that of Russia and the U.S.Sino-U.S.economic tics and Russia—U.5.security relationship are much closer than the other.Sino-Russian relations are 'quasi—alliance ' relationship which is a model of relations between big powers.Sino—U.S.relations are 'non-enemy' relationship which is the key to relations between major countries.Sino—U.S.relations and the Sino—Russian relationship is the most important for China.China should implement two—way,two—lane alliance strategy,namely to promote strategic relations with the United States while enhancing the strategic partnership with Russia.
作者 李兴
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期11-18,126,共8页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 教育部地区与国别培育基地北京师范大学俄罗斯中心科研项目
关键词 中俄美 三角关系 准同盟 高级政治 低级政治 Sino-Russia-U.S. triangular relations quasi-alliance senior politics low politics
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