针对黑龙江省寒地稻作区的气候条件特殊性、品种进化高层性、遗传变异单独性、稻种资源贫乏性、光温生态特定性和生长发育可塑性的实际 ,采用系选技术、杂交技术、诱变技术、杂优利用、生物技术有机结合的综合技术育种 ,提出多亲本配组、多桥梁传递、多技术结合、多学科协作、多区点选鉴、多优性集成的育种思路 ,在综合技术育种的初步实践中 ,取得龙粳 8号 ,龙粳
Based on the particularity of climate, the high evolution of varieties, the lack of rice germplasm, the specific photo-temperature ecology and the plasticity of growth of the cold rice region in Heilongjiang Province, the integrated breeding technique composed of pedigree seleciton, hybridization, irradiation, heterosis utilization and biotechnology should be used. The breeding idea of multi parent cross, combination between more techniques, multi discipline cooperation, selection in more sites and integration with more superior traits is put forward. In the practice of the integrated breeding technique, Longjiang 8 and Longjing 3 were developed.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences