以黄瓜自根苗为对照 ,研究了以黑籽南瓜为砧木 ,“长春密刺”黄瓜为接穗的嫁接苗在大棚早春栽培中的采摘周期及产量变化。结果表明 :嫁接苗长势及产量指标均高于自根苗 ;嫁接黄瓜瓜果膨大速度快、采摘周期比自根苗缩短 1 5天 ;增产 4 9 3%。黄瓜嫁接栽培是大棚黄瓜早熟高产的有效措施 ,具有较高的推广价值。图 1,表 3,参 2。
Grafted and non-grafted seedlings were cultured under-plastic in spring.The parent stocks of grafted seedlings used Changchun Mici cucumber. This paper compared grafted cucumber seedlings with own root seedlings in periodicity and yield. And then the periodical days for picking fruit of grafted seedlings were 1.5 days less than now grafted seedlings. And yield had in creased by 49.3% over the now grafted seedlings.The anthors propose that cucumber growing with spring grafting is a good cultural practice under-pcastic and it has great value in extension.
System Sciemces and Comprehensive Studies In Agriculture