

The Application of a Distributed Coding Arithmetic in Cloud Storage
摘要 在云存储中为保证数据的完整可靠,必须采用冗余备份的方式存储数据.为了更好的发挥存储节点的作用,在分析现有的冗余方式基础上提出了一种分布式编码算法.在新的冗余方案中编解码操作在各存储节点并行完成,而不需要将整个数据文件集中进行编解码,充分发挥了分布式系统优势.通过实验仿真验证了方法的可行性,大大提高了数据存储速率,提高了数据可用性,改善了系统性能. The method of redundancy was general be used to ensure the integrity and availability of data in cloud storage. This paper introduced a distributed coding arithmetic after analyzing those method existing. In the new arithmetic, the operation of coding and decoding was doing in the storage nodes, avoiding coding and decoding for the whole data file simultaneous. Through making full advantage of distributed system, the velocity of data storage was heighten consumedly, the availability of data was also improved, the performance of the storage system was enhanced.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期77-79,84,共4页 Microelectronics & Computer
基金 国家"八六三"资助项目(2011701AA0213)
关键词 云存储 数据冗余 分布式编码 纠删码 cloud storage data redundancy distributed coding erasure code
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