
从自由主义创新走向共和主义创新——基于科学演变视角的创新理论研究 被引量:3

From Liberalism Innovation to Republicanism Innovation:The Study of Innovation Based on Scientific Evolution
摘要 创新是科学与利益相联系的最好表达方式。自熊彼特以来,无论是技术创新理论还是国家创新系统理论,可以说都是一种自由主义创新,是通过实现科学研究促进个体利益的最大化,从而实现公共利益。如今科学国家化与科学产业化相融合的趋势,决定了创新实践需结合个体利益与国家利益,才能更好地实现公共利益。结合了个体利益与国家利益的共和主义创新,是符合中国特色创新道路的创新理念。 Innovation is the best expression for link of science and interest. Since Schumpeter, whether it is the theory of technological innovation or national innovation system theory, they are all liberalism innovation, promote the interests of the individual to maximize through scientific research, then achieve the public interest. The trend of science national and science industrialization integration, decided that innovative practice requires a combination of individual and state interests. The republican innovation which combines individual and national interests, is in line with Chinese characteristics and innovation road innovative ideas
作者 白惠仁
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期63-70,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(12JZD045)
关键词 创新理论 科学演变 合法性 innovation theory scientific evolution legality
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