
QMEMS晶振的MEMS器件真空度测量方法研究 被引量:5

Study on vacuum measurement of the packaged cavity of MEMS device based on QMEMS quartz oscillator
摘要 QMEMS晶振是一种采用MEMS(micro-electro-mechanical system)加工技术充分发挥石英(Quartz)晶体材质特性制造出的高性能、高集成度的新型石英晶振.利用QMEMS晶振体积小、性能稳定的特点,提出将QMEMS晶振作为传感器内置于MEMS器件管壳内部,对MEMS器件腔体内部真空度进行实时监测的方法.在对石英晶振测量真空原理进行分析的基础上,研究了QMEMS晶振的结构和管壳开口方法,设计了一套基于QMEMS晶振气压传感器的真空度测量系统,实现了对真空度的测量,并对系统进行了标定.试验表明,该真空计可实现1~30 kPa压强范围的测量,测量精度约为5%,能满足MEMS器件实时真空度测量要求. A QMEMS is any high added value quartz device that exploits the characteristics of quartz crystal material,but that is produced using MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system)technology.In order to measure the vacuum degree of vacuum packaged MEMS devices,crystal oscillator has been used as the sensor to measure the vacuum degree.A quartz MEMS crystal oscillator has adopted as a sensor for vacuum degree measurement,which is integrated into the internal vacuum cavity of MEMS package.A vacuum measurement system for the packaged cavity of MEMS device based on QMEMS quartz oscillator quartz crystal oscillator vacuum gauge is designed and calibrated.The vacuum gauge can realize the scope of 1~30 kPa pressure measurement and its measurement accuracy is about 5%.This system is able to meet real time measurement requirements of MEMS device.
出处 《国外电子测量技术》 2014年第1期27-31,共5页 Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 QMEMS 石英晶振 真空度测量 谐振阻抗 quartz MEMS quartz crystal oscillator vacuum measurement resonance impedance
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