
转轮式洗轮机对车轮带泥的冲洗效果 被引量:9

Washing efficiency of rotary wheel washing system for mud /dirt carryout
摘要 施工车辆车轮带泥是我国道路扬尘污染控制面临的共性和突出问题。为在国内推广使用洗轮机提供技术依据,通过检测工地出口外道路积尘负荷来估算转轮式洗轮机对车轮带泥的冲洗效率,并以该洗轮机作为车轮带泥检测设备,检测和统计北京市车轮带泥量。结果表明,(1)转轮式洗轮机可以将工地出口外100 m道路积尘负荷增量由64.4 g/m2降至5.9 g/m2,转轮式洗轮机对车轮带泥的冲洗效率大于90%;(2)渣土车和混凝土车车轮带泥量的平均值分别为5.1和2.2 kg/车;(3)北京市未来车轮带泥量将超过8.8万t/a,施工车辆全部经过转轮式洗轮机冲洗后,车轮带泥量可削减7.9万t/a。建议在相关法律法规中以强制性条款落实施工车辆车轮带泥机械化冲洗要求。 Construction vehicle mud/dirt carryout is a universal phenomenon as well as an evident problem for fugitive road dust pollution control in our country. In order to provide technical basis to promote the domestic usage of wheel washing system, by measuring the road silt loading outside the construction site exit, the washing efficiency of rotary wheel washing system for mud/dirt carryout can be calculated. In addition, using this kind of wheel washing system, we can determine the quantity of mud/dirt carryout in Beijing. It can be concluded that: ( 1 ) rotary wheel washing system is able to decrease the silt loading increment of the 100 m road outside the site exit from 64.4 g/m2 to 5.9 g/m2, its washing efficiency for mud/dirt carryout is above 90% ; (2) the average index of the mud/dirt carryout for construction waste truck and concrete truck is 5.1 and 2.2 kg/vehicle respec- tively; (3) the future mud/dirt carryout of Beijing will exceed 88 000 ton/year, but if all construction trucks were washed by the rotary wheel washing system, 79 000 tons of carryout can be reduced per year. It is sugges- ted to add the compulsory requirement to wash the mud/dirt carryout of construction trucks mechanically in the relevant laws and regulations.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期631-635,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 北京市科技计划项目(Z131100005613046) 北京市环境保护科学研究院科技基金项目(2012-B-06)
关键词 转轮式洗轮机 车轮带泥 积尘负荷 冲洗效果 rotary wheel washing system mud/dirt carryout silt loading washing efficiency
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