目的 :从基因水平研究 MDM2和 P5 3 基因在骨肉瘤中的表达 ,观察其在骨肉瘤发病中的作用及与临床病理和预后间的关系。方法 :用地高辛标记原位杂交技术研究 40例骨肉瘤 MDM2和 P5 3表达 ,并分析两种基因表达间的相互关系。结果 :MDM2及 P5 3表达阳性率分别为 77.5 % (31/ 40 )、6 7.5 % (2 7/ 40 )。 MDM2与 P5 3基因表达呈显著正相关(P<0 .0 5 )。表达阳性率及表达强度与肿瘤分化程度、转移与否及生存率差异显著 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :MDM2和 P5 3基因改变是骨肉瘤的常见现象 ,参与骨肉瘤的发生和发展。其阳性检出率有助于判断骨肉瘤的恶性程度及预测肿瘤的转移及预后。
Objective:The mRNA expression of P 53 and MDM2 gene in osteosercoma were studied in order to observe the correlation between MDM2,P 53 genes and the pathogenesis,clinical pathology and prognosis in the tumor.Methods 40 cases of patients with osteosarcoma were covered for the study.The expression of P 53 and MDM2 genes were detested by digoxigenin lablling between between MDM2 and P 53 expression was analyzed.Resuits The positive rates for MDM2 and P 53 genes were 77.5%(31/40) and 67.5%(27/40) respectively.There was a striding association between NDN2 and P 53 overexpreddions.There was remarkbble difference in the positive trated and intensity between the well and poorly differentiated cases.metastaotic and non-metatatic cases as well as one year and more then one year survival period( P <0.05).Conclusions MDM2 and P 53 alterations are frequent events in osteosaroma and may be involved in tumorigenesis or tumor progression.The detection of MDM2 and P 53 genes is considered valuable in evaluating the malingnant degnee,predictable metastasis and prognosis of ogteosarcoma.
Journal of Practical Orthopaedics