The reservoir impounding started at the Jiangya RCC dam on October 18, 1998. In the period of initial operation, a strong piping with more than 20 m 3 of median and course sand occurred from the primary drain holes in dam foundation and the foundation galleries were flooded. After unwatering out, by the analysis on data obtained by TV-in-hole, hydrological and geological conditions and engineering arrangement of leaking control, it has been ascertained that the piping water originated from the left mountainous body, resulting from no discharge passage of the underlying water bearing beds, no drains available for the mountainous body behind the curtain in both the abutments, no new draining exits, as well as no arrangements of inverse filter for the primary drain holes. Due to the blocked draining during rainstorm, the ground water level rose rapidly and disturbed further the fillers in the solution zones in foundation, finally resulting in the piping. The writer gives a detailed description of the occurrence, causes, treatment measures for improvement of the drainage and effect, as well as his understandings.
LUO Xi-kang (Jiangya Supervision Office, CWRC, Cili 427221, China)
China Three Gorges Construction