
西南少数民族大学生民族认同现状的调查研究 被引量:1

Preliminary Study on Southwest Minority Undergraduates' Ethnic Identity
摘要 运用问卷调查方法,对西南地区少数民族大学生归属感、接纳度、文化、社会等4个方面的认同状况进行了研究,对5所大学的1100名少数民族大学生进行了测查,结果表明西南地区少数民族大学生对自己所属民族有着较高的认同,在性别、专业、年级、学校属性等变量上不存在显著差异,但在居住地、民族变量上存在显著差异,民族聚居地显著高于非民族聚居地,纳西、白、回等民族显著高于傣、哈尼、彝、苗等民族。 The southwest minority undergraduates' i- dentity situation of sense of belonging, acceptance de: gree, cultural identity and social identity is investigat- ed through questionnaire, including 1100 minoritycollege students in 5 universities. The result shows that southwest minority college students have a higher recognition of their own people.There is no significant difference in variables such as gender, profession, grade and school properties, yet significant differences in variables as the place of residence and nationality. The level of ethnic identity of national habitation is higher than non-national habitation, Naxi,Bai and Hui higsignificantly her than Dai,Hani,Yi,Miao and so on.
作者 邓敏 张雪峰
出处 《社会心理科学》 2013年第12期74-79,88,共7页 Science of Social Psychology
基金 红河学院2011硕博项目(10BSS218)
关键词 西南地区 少数民族 大学生 民族认同 Southwest region minority undergrad-uate ethnic identity
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