“今天只是所有即来之日的一天。但是即来之日会发生什么,取决于今天你的所为。”三个速度分驰全球经济车道 2008年的金融危机爆发后,习惯了各自为政的各个经济体合纵连横,拉开合作战线抵抗这场来势汹涌的风暴,消解经济动脉的硬化,才终于避免了第二次“大萧条”。
"Today'is only one day in all the days that will ever be.But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today." If Margaret Thatcher is the paradigm of the iron lady, Christine Lagarde, the "Coco Chanel in financial vineyard", is the iron hand gloved in velvet. As the first woman finance minister of France, Lagarde is now head of the IMF, the first lady of its kind in the seventy-year history of IMF.
China Real Estate Finance