
新中国六十年歌德戏剧研究 被引量:3

A Review and Analysis of Studies of Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Dramatic Works in the People's Republic of China(1949-2009)
摘要 文章以德国学界及新中国成立前国内歌德研究学术史为参照,试图归纳和梳理出新中国六十年歌德戏剧研究的主要特点和重要脉络。中国学界对于歌德戏剧的研究以《浮士德》为中心展开,真正的高潮出现在1978年之后,此前的研究受到政治时局和意识形态的影响。文章重点对改革开放后三十年的《浮士德》研究从主题内容研究、戏剧理论与实践研究、比较和接受研究三个方面予以考察分析,并指出中国歌德戏剧研究尚待开拓的空间。 Johann Wolfgang Goethe, as one of the first few Western classical authors introduced to modern China, has been warmly welcomed by Chinese readers. This paper attempts to summarize and sort out the major features and main streams of critical reviews and academic studies about Goethe's dramatic works in the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 2009, based on the historical research of Goethe in Germany as well as that in the late Qing-Dynasty and New China. Before 1978, as social and historical criticism played a dominant role in China's study of Goethe, great emphasis has been laid on the social and historical values of his works. Since 1978, the study of Goethe's drama, mainly that of Faust, has made fruitful achievements in thematic research, theory and practice of theater studies, and comparative and reception studies, but little attention has been paid to Goethe's other dramatic works, particularly their formal and aesthetic dimensions.
作者 胡蔚
机构地区 北京大学德语系
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期8-16,共9页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 2009年度国家社科基金重大项目"新中国外国文学研究60年"(项目编号:09&ZD071)子项目"新中国60年歌德戏剧研究考察与分析"
关键词 歌德 《浮士德》研究 歌德中国接受史 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~ drama study~ Goethe's Faust in China
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  • 1Martin Bollacher,范劲.歌德的世界文学构想[J].中文自学指导,2005(4):31-37. 被引量:4
  • 2Faust-Kommentare : 765.
  • 3Goethe, Gedichte 1800 - 1832, Hg. v. Karl Eibl, in: Samtliche Werke, Briefe, Tagebucher und Gesproche, 40 Bde. , FA. , I. Abteilung: Samtliche Werke, Band 2, Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, 1988, S. 242.
  • 4玛丽萨.圣.克莱尔(MarisastClair).《濒死经历》,凌红、韩洪波译,珠海出版社,2002年,第177-178页.
  • 5Hans-Georg Gadamer, "Das Tiirmerlied in Goethes ' Faust' ", in f4sthetik und Poetik H-Hermerveutik im Vollzug, gesammehe Werke, Ttibingen: Mohr, 1993, Bd. 9, S. 126.
  • 6Hans-Georg Gadamer, "Die Naturlichkeit yon Goethes Sprache", in Asthetik und Poetik H-Hermeneutik im Vollzug, gesammelte Werke, Bd. 9, S. 140.
  • 7Wilhelm Bohm, Faust derNichtfaustische, Halle, 1933, S. 66, zitiert nach Faust-Kommentare: 785.
  • 8Duden-Deutsches Universalworterbuch, Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zurich: Duden, 1996, S. 630.
  • 9《圣经·旧约·以赛亚书》第五章第十一至十五节.
  • 10Albrecht Weber, Goethes " Faust " . Noch und wieder? Phanomene-Probleme-Perspektive , Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 2005, S. 40.











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