
诗人的使命——关于荷尔德林的诗《在可爱的蓝里》 被引量:2

The Poet's Mission-On Hoelderlin's Poem“In Lovely Blue”
摘要 在荷尔德林后期的诗歌创作中,希腊神话和圣经被融为一体。他寻求建立一种人的宗教,用理性的神话取代暴力革命,实现平等、自由与博爱的理想。在诗作《在可爱的蓝里》,荷尔德林专注于诗人的使命。在上帝缺席的时代,诗人是耶稣的使者,在黑暗中为世人的救赎奔跑。荷尔德林希望通过实现人在大地上诗意地栖居,使天地神人和谐地生活在一起,消除人类被逐出伊甸园以来人神之间的断裂与隔阂,重建心物的统一。 Hoelderlin's later poems are jointly inspired by Greek mythology, nature and Christianity. Hoelderlin sought to give religion a new meaning by replacing the violent revolution with the rationality of the myth, thus restoring the forgotten ideals of equality, freedom and universal love. These thoughts are vividly expressed in his poem "In Lovely Blue," where he focuses on the mission of the poet on earth. In a world without the guidance of God, the poet sees himself as the messenger of Jesus Christ. Since man was expelled from the Garden of Eden, there has been a break and estrangement between man and God. Hoelderlin claims that salvation is only possible through the "poetical dwelling" on earth so that the unity of mind and matter is achieved.
作者 黄凤祝
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期17-23,43,共8页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 上海市重点学科外国哲学建设项目(项目编号:B001)
关键词 荷尔德林 诗意地栖居 人神断裂 拯救 感性 理性 Hoelderlin~ poetic dwelling~ the Fracture of God and Mankind~ rescue lsensibility ~ rationality
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