

European Defense Cooperation:Contending Views and Compromise among the Three EU Powers of Britain,France and Germany
摘要 欧洲防务合作问题由来已久,但这种合作并不必然意味着要建立完全独立的欧洲防务。相反,欧洲联盟内部有相当一部分国家主张欧洲防务合作不能偏离"跨大西洋联盟"的框架,尽管这种态度也为部分秉持"欧洲主义"政策路线的人所反对。文章就此考察了冷战后欧盟内部对欧洲防务合作问题有相当影响的英国、法国和德国三大国对于该问题的立场分歧,以及围绕此问题而在它们之间展开的斗争及其妥协结果。 The issue of European defense cooperation has lasted for a long time, but actually it does not necessarily lead to the establishment of a completely independent European Defense against the United States. On the contrary, there have been some ELI members who would not like to see the defense cooperation deviate the framework of the so called Trans-Atlantic Alliance Relationship, although they have been frequently denounced by other EU members who adhere to the policy of Europeanism. This article will make a review of the contending views among the three EU powers of Britain, France and Germany on the issue of European defense cooperation, and then analyze their compromise on the issue during the process of European integration, and finally explain the factors which may account for those compromises.
作者 钟振明 孔君
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期44-49,63,共7页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 同济大学促进对德学术交流基金项目"欧洲安全治理机制中的德国角色研究"(项目编号:0703219001) 同济大学国家985项目"全球治理与中欧关系"(项目编号:0703141505)
关键词 欧洲防务合作 大国态度 妥协 European Defense Cooperation contending views compromise
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  • 1C. Barry, Reforgingthe Translantic Relationship, Washington DC. NDU Press, 1996, p. 31.
  • 2Paul Cornish, Partnership in Crisis . The US, Europeand the Fall and Rise of NATO, London.. The Royal In- stitute of International Affairs, 1997, p. 38.
  • 3Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Memorandum on the United Kingdom Government's Approach to the Treatment of European Defence Issues at the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference, London, March 1996.
  • 4Paul Cornish, Partnership in Crisis . The US, Europe and the Fall and Rise of NATO, p. 44.
  • 5R. P. Grant, "France's New Relationship with NATO", in.. Survival, 38(1), p. 61.
  • 6Robert J. Art, "Why Western Europe Needs the United States and NATO", in.. Political Science Quarterly, 1996, lll(1), p. 16~p. 25.
  • 7Philip H. Gordon, "Does the WEU Have a Role?", in. The Washington Quarterly, 20(1), 1996, p. 128.
  • 8European Council, A Secure Europe in a Better World. European Security Strategy. Brussels, December 12 2003, http..//ue, eu. int/uedocs/cmsUpload/78367, pdf.
  • 9《背景资料.<里斯本条约>的主要内容》,参见新华网,http.//news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2007-10/19/content_6907694.htm,访问日期.2013年1月10日.








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