在万吨级顺丁装置上 ,采用加入D组分的Ni-Al-B催化体系及湿法间断充油工艺进行了镍系充油顺丁橡胶BR90 73的试生产。工业试验结果表明 :现有顺丁胶生产装置适宜 ,聚合胶液门尼可调性强 ,n(Al) /n(B)调节范围为 0 .5~ 1.1;生产过程中因胶液动力粘度大 ,输送困难 ,可适当充溶剂油加以解决 ;溶剂油系统可与顺丁胶共用 ;所得产品的宏观及微观质量均达到国外同类产品水平。
The industrial trial production of Ni family oil extended polybutadiene rubber BR9073 was carried out by adding D component into the Ni Al B catalytic system and using the wet process of batch oil extending on the plant with its annual BR output capacity of ten thousands tons.the result of industrial experiment showed that the BR plant is proper for OE BR production,the Mooney viscosity of the polymer solution is controllable on a greater extent,the ratio of Al/B can be adjusted from 0.5 to 1.1,greater dynamic viscosity resulting conveying problems cab be solved by adding solvelt oil in the process,the solvent oil system cab be shared with the BR production and the quality of the product obtained matches that of foreign product of the same type both in macrostructure and microstructure. [WT5HZ]
China Elastomerics