目的通过比较弥漫性肝损害局部肝与邻近器官超声光点分布密度相对值(DDR),以确定DDR技术应用于超声诊断的价值。方法病理诊断为标准,对传统的图像使用DDR技术分析,并进行统计学分析。结果 DDR技术对于依赖病理学结果分组的差异有统计学意义。结论 DDR技术具有客观、准确的特点,对于制定超声诊断参考值具有较高的临床意义。
Objective To discover the value of diffusion density relevant (DDR) by comparing regional diffused path- ologic liver to nearby organs. Methods Setting the pathologic results as standard, to analyze traditional images by DDR and perform statistic analysis. Results The differences relied on pathologic results between the teams had statistical means. Conclusion The DDR is objective and accurate, which has a higher clinic mean to ultrasound diagnosis standard.
Guangzhou Medical Journal