
日本高校体制及薪酬制度的研究与思考 被引量:4

Research and Reflections on Japanese University System and Salary and Reward System
摘要 日本高度重视大学教育,将其称之为"知识和创造力的时代牵引车",在高等教育130余年的发展历史中,逐渐形成培养社会顶级知识精英的国立大学,地域文化"保护神"和传播者的公立大学,以及数量庞大的自治灵活、善于经营的私立大学。在三类大学体制下,建立起了职级与级俸错落有序,补贴和奖金各具特色的薪酬制度,成为激励教师安心教学科研、奉献社会,以及创造力发挥的重要制度保障。泡沫经济的崩坏和"少子化"时代迫使国立公立大学进行法人化改革,薪酬制度进行着相应的调整。在分析日本高校的制度结构和变化过程中,引发了对法人化高校体制改革的趋利避害、薪酬中轴线与有序薪酬制度、提高大学教师的薪酬定位、科学把握高校竞争与公平之度,以及推迟大学教授的退休年龄等诸多思考,可为中国的大学改革提供可参考的"他山之石"。 Japan attaches high importance to higher education and call it as "the era towing vehicle of knowledge and creativity. " In the development history of higher education which is more than 130 years, there are state - owned universities which are gradually formed to cultivate the top intellectual elites, public universities which are the "protection god" and broadcasters of the regional culture as well as a huge number of private universities which are autonomous, flexible and good at business. In the 3 -category university system, a salary and reward system which is well - proportioned and closely related to the professional levels, together with subsidies and bonuses with distinctive features has been established. It has become an important institutional guarantee which inspires teachers to be dedicated to teaching and research, contributing to the society and putting their creativity into full play. The collapse of the bubble economy as well as the "low birth rate" era has forced the state -owned universities to do corporative reform and adjust the salary and reward system accordingly. In the process of analyzing the structure of Japanese university system and its changes, a lot of thoughts on how to draw on advantages and avoid disadvantages when doing corporative reforms on the university system, on salary axis and how to put the salary and reward system in order, how to improve the salary and reward position of the university teachers, on how to grasp the degree of the competitions between universities and fairness and how to postpone the retirement age for university professors, etc. have been triggered. These thoughts can provide references to Chinese universities reform as "stones from other hills. "
作者 张荆
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第1期104-114,共11页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 北京市教委项目"北京市专业科技人员的收入分配与激励机制研究"(项目编号:0140005466004)
关键词 高校体制 薪酬结构 国立大学 公立大学 私立大学 日本 university system salary and reward structure public university private university
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  • 1日本中央教育审议会.我国高等教育的未来像.










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