
铜基Ni-P-PTFE化学复合镀层的阻垢和导热综合性能的研究 被引量:3

Investigation on Anti-fouling Capacity and Thermal Conductivity of Ni-P-PTFE Composite Coating
摘要 本文采用硬水加热法测试了不同Ni-P-PTFE化学复合镀层的阻垢性能,通过实验发现随着镀层中PTFE含量的增大,表面结垢诱导期增长而结垢量减小,同时阻垢性能增强;另外采用热阻法测试其导热性能,发现Ni-P-PTFE复合镀层的导热性能随PTFE含量的增大而下降。而镀层中PTFE含量又与施镀乳液中PTFE的浓度有关系。因此定义阻垢率和导热系数下降率来综合评价镀层的性能,得出当PTFE乳液浓度为11mL/L时的镀层表现出最佳的阻垢导热综合性能的结论。 Effect of anti-fouling capacity of Ni-P-PTFE composite coating was tested in the hard water. It is found that anti-fouling capaci- ty of the Ni-P-PTFE coatings is determined by the PTFE concentration in the coating. The induction period is lengthened and fouling depo- sition is dropped with the increase of PTFE content in the coating. In addition, the thermal conductivities of the Ni-P-PTFE coatings were measured by thermal resistance method in the paper. It is shown that the thermal conductivity is declined with the increase of PTFE con- tent, and the PTFE content of the Ni-P-PTFE coatings is influenced by the PTFE concentration of the solution. The anti-fouling efficiency and thermal conductivity reduction rate are then defined to evaluate the performance of coating. It is found that the sample formed at the PTFE concentration 1 lmL/L in the solution behaved the best integrated performance of anti-fouling capacity and thermal conductivity un- der the conditions in the paper.
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期20-24,共5页 Journal of Refrigeration
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAB12B01)资助项目 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2009B090200016) 广州经济技术开发区科技计划项目(2011Q-P046)资助~~
关键词 Ni—P—PTFE化学复合镀层 阻垢性能 导热性能 PTFE乳液浓度 Ni-P-PTFE composite coating anti-fouling capacity thermal conductivity PTFE concentration
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