Both Su Shi and Huang Tingjian are representatives of the Song poetry in China,but their poems have obviously different essences and stances. Their poems differ greatly in content,form and style. Their differences find full expression in their different modes of thinking. Su Shi thinks highly of diachronic variation. As a result,his poems often contain dramatic changes. However,Hung Tingjian thinks highly of synchronic antithesis. As a result,his poems usually contain some special rhetoric methods. Su Shi's thinking mode is similar to that of the Tang poetry,while Huang Tingjian's is quite different. These differences reveal the basic distinction between the Tang poetry and the Song poetry. After all,the Tang poetry is superior to the Song poetry,while Su Shi is more outstanding than Huang Tingjian because diachronic variation is closer to the essential nature of language arts.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition