The issue of "Name Rectification" had run through Liu Shipei's thoughts before he betrayed the Revolution. On the one hand, he came to realize the fact that the system of Chinese naming should be modified to respond the challenge of the West; on the other hand, he was also aware that in the West-dominated world, if China totally accepted the universal law, it would be involved in the hegemonic relationship. Thus, Liu's aspiration of "Name Rectification" aimed at overcoming the limitations both on the West and China, which led him to be a radical revolutionist of anarchism. Therefore, Liu Shipei's thinking on "Name Rectification" reflects a unique approach by which the intellectuals in late Qing Dynasty responded to the great clashes between the traditional and the modern, the West and China. Furthermore, the change of his thoughts corresponded to that of his aspiration. It is pertinent to say that "Name Rectification" brought about a moment of "origin" , that is to say, a moment of reconstructing the relationship between names and things, the scope of which was far beyond China. In this context, Liu Shipei's utopian idea of politics could be regarded as one actualized form of "Name Rectification". As a result, the similarity and difference of the thought on the issue of "language" between Liu Shipei , Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun implied their different visions on the future of China.
Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Liu Shipei
Name Rectification