

Han Dynasty Young Warriors and Lesser-known Inferior Commandants Missed in Historical Documents
摘要 汉代军事职官十分庞杂,文献记载很不全面。大量实物资料的出土,在一定程度上弥补了这一缺憾。梳理相关出土资料内容,发现许多文献所遗的是小将和都尉,小将有部曲将、五百将、左柘弓百人将、牙门将、铚粟将、厩将,杂号都尉有车骑左都尉、将兵都尉、厌难都尉、定胡都尉、章威都尉、猛国都尉、助义都尉。这些内容可补汉代官制之阙,具有重要的学术价值。 There are a mass of confused and jumbled military officials in the Han dynasty with incomplete literature records. However, a large number of unearthed materials have made up the defect to a certain extent. In the process of organizing the materials, lots of young warriors and lesserknown inferior commandants were found, which has important academic value in terms of making up the deficiency of the bureaucratic system in the Hart Dynasty.
作者 郭俊然
出处 《连云港师范高等专科学校学报》 2013年第4期106-108,共3页 Journal of Lianyungang Normal College
关键词 汉代 军事 小将 都尉 Han dynasty military the bureaucratic system unearthed materials
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