该文以上海汽轮机厂N1 2 35型汽轮机调速系统为例 ,探讨了用高压电动油泵进行静止试验的情况 ,由于其出口压力维持不变 ,静态试验时 ,供到二、三次油路的主油泵出口油压为一变数 ,系转速的函数 ,由此会产生差异 ,文中指出在同类机组进行调速系统试验时 ,此差异带来的误差很小 ,并推荐一种由静止试验和静态试验结果作四象限图的方法。图 5表
Taking the N12 35 type steam turbines governing system, manufactured by Shanghai Steam Turbine Works, as an example, the paper discusses the practicability of testing it performance with the help of a motor driven high pressure oil pump. In this case exit oil pressure remains constant, while in a turbine's static test the main oil pump, which supplies oil to the secondary and tertiary loop, has a variable exit pressure which is a function of the speed of rotation. This causes a difference between these two tests. The paper points out that tests performed on similar sets show that errors caused by this difference are other small, and recommends a quarto graphical method to represent static test results and those done at rest. Figs 5 and table 1
Power Equipment