
黄檗叶片内酚酸质量分数的时序变化及其抗虫性 被引量:2

Temporal Changes of Phenolic Acids in Phellodendron amurense Rupr. Leaves and Its Resistance to Insects
摘要 通过测定不同林龄的健康和受害黄檗,在不同生长时期(6月、7月和8月)内雌、雄植株叶片酚酸质量分数的变化,研究了酚酸质量分数与黄檗抗虫性之间的关系。结果表明:性别、树龄、健康状况和生长时期对黄檗叶片内酚酸总量的影响差异均显著(P<0.05)。健康和受害植株的酚酸总量均表现为7月份>8月份>6月份的变化趋势,且不同月份之间差异均极显著(P<0.01);雌株的酚酸总量均极显著高于雄株(P<0.01);37年生的黄檗总酚酸含量显著高于56年生(P<0.01),不同树龄的受害植株在所测定的各月份其酚酸总量显著高于健康植株(P<0.05);不同树龄之间酚酸总量的差异也极显著。黄檗叶片内共检测出原儿茶酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸、香豆酸、水杨酸、苯甲酸、苯乙酸、阿魏酸和肉桂酸9种酚酸类物质,受害植株的酚酸种类显著高于健康植株。说明性别、树龄、健康状况和发育时期均在不同程度上影响黄檗叶片酚酸质量分数的变化,进而影响黄檗抗虫性强弱。因此,可以根据这一变化规律对抗性较弱的黄檗,采取适当的管理措施维护林木的正常生长。 By measuring the healthy and injured Phellodendron amurense Rupr.at diffreret ages and at different growth stages (June, July and August), the experiment was conducted to determine the female and male phenolic acids content in plant leaves, phenolic acids content of P.amurense Rupr.and the relationship with insect resistance.The content of total phe-nolic acids are significantly different under genders, stands, health condition and growth periods (P&lt;0.05).The contents of total phenolic acids in healthy leaves from healthy and injured tree present the order of July&gt;August&gt;June, and there is highly significant difference among different months (P&lt;0.01).Female plants of total phenolic acids are significantly higher than male ( P&lt;0.01) .The content of total phenolic acids in 37 years old is significantly higher than that of 56 years old (P&lt;0.01), The content of total phenolic acids in different ages of the injured plants is significantly higher than that in the healthy plants (P&lt;0.05 ).The content of total phenolic acids in different ages is also significant.Nine kinds of phe-nolic acids are detected in leaves of P.amurense, protocatechuic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, P-coumaric acid, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, phenylaetic acid, ferulic acid and cinnamic acid, and the numbers of phenolic acids in in-jured plants are significantly higher than that in healthy plants.Gender, age, health condition and development stage of P. amurense Rupr.can affect the content of total phenolic acids and the insect resistance.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期126-130,共5页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(DL09EAQ02)
关键词 黄檗 叶片 酚酸 时序变化 组成抗性 P hellodendor N amurense Rupr Leaf Phenolic acids Temporal changes Resistance to insects
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