目的 了解高校自发性气胸患者的特点,并探讨高校学生发生自发性气胸可能的危险因素.方法 对我院2000年1月~2011年11月收治的高校自发性气胸患者的临床特征包括发病年龄、性别、发病时间、发病诱因、临床症状、治疗方法及转归等进行回顾性分析.结果 高校大学生发生自发性气胸者以男性(109例)居多,平均年龄为(21.36±7.18)岁,平均体重指数为19.34±5.39,外地就读学生发病例数高于本地学生(96例vs 28例),发病时间以夏季(44例)和冬季(50例)为主,90例(72.6%)患者发生自发性气胸前有运动、咳嗽、排便等明显诱因,临床症状以胸痛、呼吸困难、咳嗽、胸闷、心慌、呼吸急促多见,103例(83.1%)患者通过内科保守治疗或外科手术痊愈,总复发率为16.9%.结论 高校学生发生自发性气胸与性别、体型和气候可能存在一定相关性,且发病多有明确诱因,短期疗效较好,但复发率偏高,复发与吸烟密切相关.
Objective To understand the characteristics of the college spontaneous pneumothorax patients and to explore the possible risk factors. Methods Retrospective analysis was used to study the clinical features (including age, sex, time of onset, predisposing factors, clinical symptoms, treatment and outcome, etc. ) of patients from January 2000 to 2011. Results Most college students in spontaneous pneumothorax were male (109 cases), average age (21.36± 7.18) years and mean body mass index 19.34±5.39. The number of foreign students was larger than that of the local students (96 cases vs 28cases). The time of onset was mainly in summer (44 cases) and winter (50 cases). Before spon- taneous pneumothorax, 90 patients (72.6%) had obvious incentive of the movement, coughing, defecation, clinical symptoms of chest pain, difficulty breathing, cough, chest tightness, palpitation, shortness of breath. 103 cases (83.1%) patients were cured by conservative medical conservative treatment or surgery, with a total recurrence rate is 16.9%. Conclusion The spontaneous pneumothorax in college students is correlated with sex, body size and the cli- mate. The short-term effect is good, but the relapse rate is high.
Medical Journal of West China
Spontaneous pneumothorax~ Clinical analysis