The folk supernatural belief was critical to the construction and development of modern Guangxi commercial environment. Religious temples were the important places where Guangdong merchants per-formed ceremonies, bargained, gathered folks, and bridged the commercial gaps among the traders in mod-ern Guangxi. The supernatural belief played an important guiding role in Guangdong merchants' business philosophy and the standardization of business order. The modern times saw a large number of Guangdong merchants engaged in commercial activities in Dawu Town, Pingnan. They built Liesheng Palace several times to create a good social environment of business, and kept many inscriptions. These stone inscriptions contain an abundant of historical information, which are important historical folk literature that can be used to research on the interactive relationship between Guangdong merchants' supernatural belief and the social environment of business, therefore they should be made full use of and protected.
Guangdong merchants
Liesheng Palace
the folk belief
commercial environment