目的了解该县食品中化学污染物的污染状况和污染水平,分析掌握食品中污染物的动态变化情况,同时建立该县食品污染物的监测数据库,提高基层实验室检验人员的检测技术和检测能力。方法按照GB/T5009-2003、GB5009-2010石墨炉原子吸收法检测铅;GB/T5009-2003石墨炉原子吸收法检测镉;原子荧光法检测汞、砷;火焰原子吸收光谱法检测铜;江苏省食品污染物监测计划附录A络天青S分光光度法检测铝;GB5009.33-2010分光光度法检测亚硝酸盐。结果四年共检测食品159份,合格116份,合格率73.0%,检测合格率依次为75.8%、81.6%、80.0%、60.4%,差异无统计学意义。海水鱼铅、汞最大值0.589 mg/kg、0.092 mg/kg,海水贝类铅最大值0.581 mg/kg、镉最大值0.28mg/kg、汞最大值0.125 mg/kg,油炸食品铝最大值为448.1 mg/kg。结论铅、镉在食品中有不同程度的积累,对人体健康存在潜在威胁,注意水产品汞、砷的污染,加强对油炸食品膨松剂铝超量使用管理。
Objective To understand the pollution level of chemical contaminants and analyze the dynamic changes of contami- nants in food, so as to establish the monitoring database of food contaminants in this county and improve the detection technology and detection capability of the basic staff. Methods Lead level in foods was detected by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry(GFAAS) according to GB/T5009-2003 and GB5009 -2010, cadmium level was detected by GFAAS according to GB/T5009 - 2003, the levels of mercury and arsenic were detected by atomic fluorescence spectrometry, copper was detected by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, aliminum was detected by chrome azurol S spectrophotometry in appendix A of Jiangsu province food contaminants monitoring plan, and nitrite was detected by spectrophotometry according to GB5009.33 -2010..Results In 159 samples, 116 samples were qualified from 2009 to 2012. The total qualified rate was 73.0%, while the qualified rates of each year were 75.8%, 81.6%, 80.0%, 60.4% respectively. There was no significant difference among the four years. The maximum value of lead in seawater fish was 0. 589 mg,/kg, and that of mercury was 0. 092 mg/kg. The maximum value of lead in seawater shellfish was 0. 581 mg/kg, that of cadmium was 0.28 mg/kg, and that of mercury was 0. 125 mg,/kg. The maximum value of aluminum in fried food was 448.1 mg/kg. Conclusion Lead and cadmium have different levels of accumulation in food, with potential threat to human health. The levels of mercury and arsenic in water and alumium overuse in the fried food should be paid more attention to.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Food safety
Chemical pollutant