为了保护贵重物品的安全,设计出一款基于超低功耗单片机MSP430和蓝牙技术的防盗系统。防盗器的控制端是基于安卓智能手机开发的应用软件,操作便捷,智能手机用户即是防盗器的潜在用户。手机通过读取防盗器蓝牙的RSSI值,可以判断手机与防盗器的距离,从而根据距离实现防盗功能。实验表明,防盗器设计方案可以实现主动报警和防盗功能,且软件所测的距离在5 m的范围内精度达到1 m以内,具有良好的实用性。
In order to protect the security of valuables,an anti-theft system based on ultra-low power MSP430 and Blue-tooth technology was designed. The burglar alarm is controlled by application software developed for Android smartphone. It’s easy to operate. Smartphone users are the potential users of burglar alarm. The smartphone APP can judge the distance between the cellphone and burglar alarm by reading the RSSI values of the burglar alarm Bluetooth. The results obtained in a lot of experi-ments show that the burglar alarm can realize the functions of initiative alarm and anti-theft. The software’s measuring accuracy is 1 m in the range of 5 m. The design scheme has better practicability.
Modern Electronics Technique