Discretion shrink means that although administrative organs have the discretion power, under certain condition they still bear the obligation of feasance or nonfeasance. The nonperformance of that obligation is against law. Anyone (not limited to the administrative counterpart) whose important legal interest thereby is infringed by others or natural power, has the right to claim state compensation. The premise of Discretion Shrink Theory is discretion monism and its foundation is the protection obligation of basic rights from the state. The essentials for discretion shrink are just a judge framework. Its essence is the comparison and tradeoff of the conflicted basic rights and convenience of administration. This kind of comparison and tradeoff has been interiorized as the supplementary discretion criterion proceeds from individual case (discretion criterion for individual case) by the interpretation of constitutionality of law. The ultimate purpose of discretion shrink is the justice of particular case. However, it cannot exceed law (cannot ignore the protective intent of discretion power authorization and the legality of administrative jurisdiction and duty), as well as directly solve the problem of share on the issue of compensation liability.
China Legal Science